Salverņ Healthcare has established a robust training and development programme taking in account the best clinical and corporate guidances and in line with it's philosophy and values. All staff members are positively encouraged to improve their skills and performance as well as the performance of others.
The staff members are involved in their own development from the beginning of employment and are enrolled to the bespoke learning courses including e-learning induction course, developed in partnership with Creative Learning Media.
The train9ing and development package includes mandatory training i.e., Health and Safety, Food safety, and also Company orientation, values, philosophy and an introduction to learning disabilities. The package is designed to provide the underpinning knowledge for the Learning Disabilities Awards Framework (Now Learning Disabilities Qualification). All new support workers are enrolled onto the Learning Disabilities Qualification even if they have experience of care to ensure consistency of skills and competencies. Training is available at all levels to all employees and is fully encouraged and enabled by in-house training department.
Salverņ Healthcare focuses its commitment to emulate the type of education programmes and academic traditions found in the NHS environments. This approach helps to attract the best specialists and aspiring clinicians in their chosen fields, and creates a platform where clinical excellence and innovation become standard to all service users. The blended approach in training, involves internal and external training providers in equal measure. Salverņ Healthcare has is in the process of forging links to local NHS, health and social services, GP’s etc., leading to joint training opportunities. Cornerstone of the training programme within Salverņ Healthcare is the delivery of NVQ in Health and Social Care. All staff members will have access to at least NVQ Level 2 training. The contemporary teaching programme provides staff members with, who are already gaining first class experience and training, confidence and satisfaction that they are performing to a high level with improving potential to move further on.
Healthcare is committed to continuously improving the quality of care for our Service Users... |
At Salverņ Healthcare, we are committed to help people with complex mental health issues and learning disability to gain control of their lives... |