Our Service is ready to provide a high quality, holistic, high support/intense rehabilitation service for female service users with complex needs. Service Users will be 18 years and over and will be cared for 24 hours a day. The women will be either informal or detained under Section 37 or 37/41. The service will operate a locked front door policy with access and exit controlled by staff, but service users will have full right to access community outings.

Focus of the service is to assist in the rehabilitation of those individuals with a primary diagnosis of severe and enduring mental illness and to facilitate their more independent life in the community. Service users may also have a personality disorder and/or mild learning disability.

The Service will also develop an assessment programme for delayed discharges/bed blocker population.
We offer specialist service for people with personality disorder issues that other services have found difficult to help, who often make frequent use of emergency services, inpatient admissions and multiple care agencies. We help service users build good insight, coping skills and strategies and enable them foster healthy relationships to be reintegrated back into the community, with a reduced reliance on local mental health resources. Our clinical evidence-based, psycho-therapeutic programme lasts around two years. We also offer an outpatient based psychological input i.e., Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Cognitive Analytic Therapy service (CAT), supporting and counselling service in weekly therapy individual and group sessions for those who do not require the intensive treatment. We work with the local mental health and forensic services in developing relapse prevention and continuous monitoring plans to enhance long term recovery.

The focus here is on developing skills in the following areas:

  • Advanced skills for daily living and social skills
  • Vocational and Educational Training
  • Relapse prevention
  • Psycho-social education
  • Healthy living
  • Behaviour Management
  • Self management and self reliance (i.e., self medication, goal oriented motivations)
  • Symptom monitoring

Our expert MDT is ready to provide clinical and therapeutic interventions to service users and impart necessary skills in preparation for independence and/or supported living.


Healthcare is committed to continuously improving the quality of care for our Service Users...
At Salverņ Healthcare, we are committed to help people with complex mental health issues and learning disability to gain control of their lives...